
What we know so far about Twitch streamer AutomaticJak's controversy with ex-girlfriend

In 2022, prominent Twitch streamer and esports caster Dan "AutomaticJak" was embroiled in a controversy with his ex-girlfriend, The Red Queen. It all started when the latter took to Twitter and alleged that the content creator had been abusive towards her. AutomaticJak issued his first public statement on March 5, 2022, stating that the "fallout" from his breakup with The Red Queen had escalated behind the scenes:

"The past two months I have attempted to stay positive and motivated, however, the fallout over the breakup with my ex from November ‘21 has just continued to escalate behind the scenes. At this point, my coworkers, friends, and employers are getting dragged into a toxic mess that they never should be involved in. I feel like I’m constantly trying to put out fires behind the scenes to keep afloat."

11 days later, on March 16, 2022, AutomaticJak released another TwitLonger update, detailing his relationship with The Red Queen. Claiming that he saw "no alternative" but to make the situation public, the Twitch personality wrote:

"I see no alternative but to make this post and address the false allegations she has made against me. I tried initially with a vague post two weeks back to explain my feelings without going into the ugliness in public and try to meet with her to resolve this but after recent events, I feel that I must now make this post to defend myself and detail how she has gone behind the scenes to my employers, friends, and coworkers to tear my life and livelihood apart."

AutomaticJak responds to allegations by his ex-girlfriend The Red Queen, reveals private messages

AutomaticJak mentioned that his three-year relationship with The Red Queen ended in November 2021. According to him, the couple initially believed that they could remain friends after their breakup. However, the situation deteriorated to the point where Dan's livelihood was jeopardized:

"I genuinely hoped that she just needed time to deal with the grief of the relationship ending, and I did as well. And that things would calm down over time. Unfortunately, the situation has escalated to the point where my livelihood is now at risk and these past months have been some of the most challenging of my life as Red has taken it upon herself to stalk and harass other women that I am friends with and go after my job with false allegations of abuse."

The streamer went on to say that The Red Queen repeatedly asked him to get back together between mid-November and December 2021, but he declined:

"During the period between mid-November's breakup and December, she repeatedly asked to get back together with me, to have a casual s*xual relationship with me, to cook for me over the holidays, and to just call this a 'break' to try to find a way back together later on. Each time I denied this, and told her that while I still loved her, I was no longer 'in love' with her and needed to live my own life. I made a point to not lead her along with my feelings."

AutomaticJak then shared private message albums, featuring his conversation with The Red Queen. Here are snapshots of a few of them:

AutomaticJak's private conversation with The Red Queen 1/3 (Image via https://imgur.com/a/bkMlUI1)
AutomaticJak's private conversation with The Red Queen 2/3 (Image via https://imgur.com/a/bkMlUI1)
AutomaticJak's private conversation with The Red Queen 3/3 (Image via https://imgur.com/a/bkMlUI1)

Here are snippets of another conversation, which according to AutomaticJak, consists of The Red Queen's conversation with "another mutual streamer friend":

The Red Queen's conversation with a "mutual streamer friend" (Image via https://imgur.com/a/iA6zj5X)

AutomaticJak responds to The Red Queen's abusive accusations

In the second half of the TwitLonger post, Dan stated that his ex-girlfriend provided no evidence of abuse because there was "no evidence of something that never happened." He listed out a series of points, which read:

"1. She has offered s*x, food, company, post-breakup in an attempt to revive the relationship." "2. She, or her friends, dug into whose tweets I was liking and she went out of her way to message at least one woman accusing me, not of abuse, but of being a cheater, and when this woman called her out on her lies she publicly harassed her." "3. Messaged multiple coworkers, fellow streamers, and viewers of my stream lying about how I was trying to get back together with her (saying that in January after I blocked her), how I was a cheater, how I was a jerk and other insults to tarnish my reputation." "4. Messaged my guild's organization, Soniqs, accusing me of physical abuse and she provided "proof", that were screenshots where we argued over me removing her from my Netflix plan because I didn't like being insulted publicly through her tweets. Changing the password to my account, clearly could not have been physical abuse."

The 1,414-word-long address concluded with AutomaticJak stating:

"I believe the provided screenshots do a sufficient job of illustrating Red's inability to get over the relationship and how she is now using false allegations to retaliate against me for breaking up with her, refusing to get back with her, blocking her, and moving forward in my life. There is more I can add with regards to her harassment and stalking, how she has used other women's names and reputations in the community without their knowledge or consent to bolster her allegations but that would more deeply involve other people who should not be involved in this mess and deserve their privacy."

AutomaticJak is a partnered Twitch streamer, best known for playing World of Warcraft. He joined the Amazon-owned platform in 2013 and currently boasts over 94k followers on his channel.

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Filiberto Hargett

Update: 2024-05-24